Discover the best land excursions on the amalfi coast

Wine Tasting Tour

Enjoy the unique experience of wine tasting in the quiet town of Furore, home of the infamous Marisa Cuomo best seller wine “Fior D’Uva”.

When booking a Wine Tasting tour, you will visit the estates cellars and vineyards, sample the unique flavour of the unique wines and taste the gastronomic specialities of Furore. 

car & scooter rental

What is the best way to get around the narrow roads of the Amalfi Coast? The answer is really easy: by Vespa or scooter, of course!

The coast roads were built centuries ago essentially for horse traffic and chariots. Today, Vespa/scooters are the natural substitutes of these ancient means of transport. 

Riding a scooter along the bendy roads of the coastline is an unforgattable experience! 

Contact us for more information and prices on scooter and car rentals.

Scooter rental Amalfi Coast

Car Transfers

Moving around the Amalfi Coast can be stressful, so booking your private car transfer in advance can help make your stay as relaxing as possible. 

We offer car transfers to any town, city, airport or station with private driver at your disposal. 

Contact us for a quote on your journey.

car transfers amalfi coast taxi

Amalfi in Style

Amalfi Coast, Italy

+39 3337162344 – Natalie Santelia
